Targeting external capacity building on replication, the partner AQUALOGUS foresees to promote a specific technical training, under sub-action D4.1, under the topic "Nature Based Fish Passes: Design, Construction and Monitoring"
The training works will take place in the last period of the project, in Águeda. Their full program will account not only with know-how from the project team but also with invited experts from foreign institutions. Training will be open for the participation of any interested person, having as the main target audience those that can better contribute to use the acquired knowledge and replication, up to a maximum of 40 participants. In addition to presentations and practical work, the training will include field visits to project sites.
Download the presentations (in Portuguese):
1) O Projeto LIFE Águeda - Pedro Raposo de Almeida, MARE - Universidade de Évora
4) Aplicação do Índice de continuidade fluvial em Portugal - Jorge Bochechas, ICNF
8) Conceção de passagens naturalizadas - Pedro Marques, AQUALOGUS - Engenharia e Ambiente