Implementation actions include tasks directed at solving target problems. They include works towards the elimination/mitigation of barriers to river continuity, improvement of aquatic and terrestrial habitat conditions, and essaying/evaluating pilot solutions to satisfy complementary goals (e.g. those related to sustainable fisheries and support to WFD monitoring needs).
Elimination of river barriers to continuity (March 2022).
Overall, seven implementation actions are foreseen:
B1 Mitigation of barriers to river continuity;
B2 Elimination of barriers to river continuity and re-naturalization of river stretches;
B3 Pilot program for capturing and translocation of European eel juveniles;
B4 Restoration of riparian habitats (and control of IAS);
B5 Development and evaluation of smartphone-based monitoring by recreational fishermen;
B6 Development and evaluation of pilot "Mobile Auction";
B7 Replication and Transfer Strategy and Works.
To ensure assessment of project outputs in face of its targets, the project includes as monitoring actions:
C1 Monitoring of results in target problems;
C2 Assessment of socio-economic impacts from project actions;
Start of elimination of barriers to river continuity (March 2022).