In addition to the direct outcomes related to the WFD and the FD, and given the integrated and multidisciplinary approach underlying the project, the foreseen results will also contribute for the targets of other EU policies, among which we emphasize those related to:

  • nature and biodiversity conservation, including the implementation of Natura 2000 and the Habitats Directive (by improving the populations and the conservation status of protected species and habitats), as well as targets of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2020 (by promoting control of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and improving conservation of endemic species that are not targeted by the Habitats Directive);

  • sustainable fisheries, especially the measures foreseen with the Plan for Recovery of the European eel.

Habitats Directive
EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2020
Doc 1 & Doc 2
Plan for Recovery of the European eel