Mobile Fish Auction

With the complementary objective of achieving greater economic sustainability in the commercial fishing of migratory fish in its area of intervention, LIFE ÁGUEDA also foresees concrete actions to support and promote these objectives.

In this context, and with a focus on multiple benefits, the project includes innovative work aimed at developing, testing and evaluating a pilot solution to ensure that fishing complies with good practices and rules, while at the same time keeping fish stocks and populations within sustainable ecological limits.

Under the coordination of DOCAPESCA, the national authority responsible for fisheries control and first gross sale, the work of Action B6 - Development and implementation of a pilot "mobile auction" will therefore include the following tasks:

  • The design of a "mobile auction" solution, based on a specially adapted vehicle, reverses the need for fishermen to travel: instead of requiring them to travel to distant and therefore often avoided facilities, the auction "moves" to the fishermen's location, enabling fish registration and traceability;

  • The operation of the proposed solution, together with that of a distinctive "label of origin" that allows consumers to identify and value fish that meets sustainability criteria, in conjunction with other communication work of the project.

Overall, we expect the system to operate and be evaluated under real market conditions for at least 36 months, after which its future sustainability will be assessed to continue beyond the project (which is expected to be viable from this point onwards, given the additional market/sales revenue we now expect to generate with the label of origin).

Posto Móvel de Registo (vista geral) Lota Móvel (balança)

Prototype "mobile-auction" in operation, together with the "origin seal"