Under sub-action D4.1, the teams from University of Évora / MARE and the Municipality of Águeda, will undertake the preparation and deployment of 2 seminars/conferences, directed at broader dissemination of the project’s developments and outputs.
The first of these is expected to take place halfway through the project’s execution, until July 2020, targeting a national audience.
The second is expected to take place on the last year of the project, to present major results and outputs, targeting an European audience. Under its program, presentations by invited, external elements (including from the EU) are foreseen, that should complement those of the project team.
In both cases, support by the Municipality of Águeda is foreseen (e.g. for the facilities, logistics, etc.), in addition to technical supervision of the programs by the University of Évora/MARE. Additionally, invitations will be timely addressed, targeting the institutions that take part of the Stakeholder Board, other researchers, elements from public administrations and private firms dealing with engineering design and/or construction, as well as LIFE project managers, among others. The presence of invited speakers will further promote networking, under action D1.