Having into account the project’s communication plan, we foresee under sub-action D2.1 to write and deliver around 60 press releases, to be deployed to specialized media on key moments of project works. This includes, on moments requiring further EU attention, that some of them are delivered in English versions and sent to international media.
Up to now, the deployed press releases are the ones made available for download on the list below (in PT):
10/02/2022 - Resumo de ações do projeto
22/03/2019 - Use of Origin Seal for distinction of shad and sea lamprey from project intervention areas starts with success
19/11/2018 - Investigadores, Administração e Pescadores reúnem em Águeda
12/04/2018 - Ações de Conservação e gestão para peixes migradores na bacia hidrográfica do Vouga