LIFE ÁGUEDA – Conservation and Management Actions for Migratory Fish in the Vouga River Basin (LIFE16 ENV/PT/000411), has for beneficiaries a set of partner institutions that, under coordination of University of Évora, with the technical and scientific support of MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, will provide specific know-how and activities on domains that, globally, will contribute to attain the project’s overall goals.
Cooperating with University of Évora / MARE – the project’s coordinating beneficiary – the following associated beneficiaries are part of the project team, and will undertake specific LIFE-funded tasks:
the Municipality of Águeda, the local public authority of the area where most of the planned work takes place, has a major role in engaging local population and visitors with the project works, namely by undertaking awareness raising, environmental education and volunteering activities (the latter involving particularly the younger generations). It will also develop conservation actions directed to the Águeda river margins, mostly related with riparian gallery improvement, by controlling the presence of Invasive Alien Species and restoring native habitats, which will complement those promoted on the river and riverbed by University of Évora;
the Municipality of Mora, through the specific team of the Mora Aquarium, will support the Municipality of Águeda on the design and implementation of environmental education and awareness raising programs, and also promote additional communication and dissemination about the project’s targets, works and results. These will take place at the Aquarium, targeting a larger audience of visitors with diverse geographical origins. In addition, and in close relation with recreational fishermen, the Municipality of Mora will develop and test a citizen science-based app expected to support fisheries’ data collection, meeting existing needs on monitoring fish distribution along the project area and other national rivers;
DOCAPESCA – Portos e Lotas S.A., the public company with authority functions and duties related with management of fish auctions and sale. DOCAPESCA will be responsible for developing and testing an innovative “mobile auction” scheme aiming for product differentiation and added value of fish caught and marketed through sustainable practices by fishermen in the project’s intervention area. In addition to the increased market value, this pilot solution is expected to contribute to mitigate illegal fishing and improve fisheries traceability, through a specific “seal” certification that will allow for consumer recognition and additional valuation;